Objectives and Functions
The objectives of the ACCCIS are :-
- To promote closer liaison and co-operation among the various Chinese Chambers of Commerce in Sarawak for the protection, promotion and advancement of all interests of the members in respect of commerce, industry and other economic activities.
- To study and formulate views, observations and recommendations of the Chinese business community in respect of the State’s and the Nation’s social-economic development for the purposes of promoting better understanding between the community and the Government or other private/public organisations.
- To liaise with other Chambers of Commerce or economic organisations; in particular, to organise and participate in meetings relating to economic matters, trade missions, exhibitions and other activities relevant to the promotion of economic co-operation.
- To promote social welfare, cultural and educational activities and to organise or sponsor programme and seminars beneficial to the economic development of the State.
- To collect and disseminate information relating to commerce, industry and other economic activities.
- To participate in commercial, industrial and agricultural investments with the approval of the appropriate authority.