GST Ambassador Program
In response to the GST Ambassador Program launched by Royal Malaysian Customs to help small businesses in solving their GST issues as well as to guide them to follow the right procedures in paying the consumption tax, ACCCIS organized the program on 25.11.2017 at its premises Boon Ping Hall. The speaker was Puan Noelle Lily Anak Ronald Morse, Penolong Kanan Pengarah Kastam I, Cawangan Kawalan Kemudahan, Fasilitasi & Konsultasi, Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia Sarawak.
Deputy President of ACCCIS Mr. Tan Jit Kee delivered his speech.
Chairman of Taxation Committee Mr. Ho Siew Hua delivered his welcome speech.
Well attended by the members and public.
Briefing by Puan Noelle.
Puan Noelle handed over presentation slides to Mr. Ho Siew Hua.