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Posted on 11月 3, 2016 in 资讯焦点



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  1. 自立合作社商业贷款申请表 kojadi-loan-application-form_27052016
  2. 中小型企业贷款声明书 declaration-form
  3. 中小型企业贷款问答录 sme-qa



  1. 自立合作社
  2. 马来西亚中小企业拓展中心
  3. 马华网站



  1. 马来西亚中小企业拓展中心 Adrian Lee,电话:03-8880 5018,手机:019-853 2628或电邮
  2. 自立合作社 Anthony Wong或Ms. Kelly Wong, 电话:03-2161 6499,传真:03-2161 2840或电邮




KOJADI SME Loan Scheme


YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced an allocation of RM50 million fund respectively for Chinese SMEs under National Budget 2015, 2016 and 2017.


The fund is officially launched on 5th June 2015, and will be managed by Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad (KOJADI).  Malaysian citizens age between 21 to 60 years old and operating SMEs are eligible to apply for the loan, amounting from RM50,000 and shall not exceed RM250,000.  Loan tenure is up to maximum of 5 years with 4% interest rate per annum.  Applicant who loan being approved must become a member of KOJADI.  Please refer to the following application documents for details:-

  1. KOJADI Business Loan Application Form kojadi-loan-application-form_27052016
  2. Declaration Form declaration-form
  3. KOJADI SME Loan Scheme Q&A sme-qa


The application form can be downloaded from the following websites:

  2. SAME
  3. MCA


Meanwhile, should you require more information, please contact the following in-charge persons:

  1. SAME: Mr. Adrian Lee, Tel: 03-8880 5018, H/P: 019-853 2628 or Email:
  2. KOJADI: Mr. Anthony Wong or Ms. Kelly Wong, Tel: 03-2161 6499, Fax: 03-2161 2840 or Email: